10 Best Decisions That WCW Ever Made
8. Giving Performance-Based Bonuses
There are few joys greater in pro wrestling than watching performers steal the show. Watching an undercard match usurp the main event by virtue of being an unbeatable contest is not only a joy for the fans but more often than not is how lower tiered wrestlers end up moving up the ladder.
WCW was one of the first and only companies to ever really give a tangible reward for such efforts. When Kip Allen Frey stepped into WCW as Executive Vice President in 1992, one of the first things he did was implement a weekly bonus to performers who really went out of their way to put on spectacular matches. At a time when WCW wrestlers were being stiffed for every dime the company could save, such generosity not only increased the quality of matches but the locker room mood as well.
Rewarding workers who do their jobs better than anyone else? What a concept.