10 Best Endings In WWE PPV History

3. Montreal Screwjob - Survivor Series 1997

The most infamous finish in the history of wrestling was not planned at all. The night Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart wrestled for the final time was the night the business changed forever and two companies had their futures altered forever. By now, so many documentaries and books have been written about the Montreal Screwjob that everyone has heard the story: Bret Hart is the reigning WWF champion but his contract has expired and he is set to join World Championship Wrestling. Vince McMahon has requested that Bret lose his title to Shawn Michaels at the Survivor Series in Montreal. Bret, however, refuses to go along with the plan, citing the creative control clause in his contract which guarantees him final approval on all storylines during his last 30 days with the WWF. Bret claims he would lose the title to anyone else or relinquish it but he would not lose to HBK on that night in that city. Unbeknownst to Bret, Vince McMahon decides that he will go old-school and simply screw Bret out of the title in his home country. Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and Earl Hebner are informed of the plan and everything was set in motion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxDCvY2GKMs Shawn and Bret have their typical great match until a spot where Shawn was supposed to apply Bret's finishing hold, the Sharpshooter, onto Hart. Bret was supposed to reverse the move to set up the finish but Earl Hebner called for the bell as soon as Shawn locked in the hold. The crowd stood in stunned silence and even Jim Ross had no idea what had happened. Shawn left with the belt while Bret spit in Vince McMahon's face and then proceeded to destroy a number of monitors out of frustration. It would be the last time we would see Bret Hart in a WWF ring for over a decade. The Montreal Screwjob changed the course of the WWF forever, ushering in the Attitude Era and cementing Vince McMahon as wrestling's ultimate heel. Bret Hart would move on to WCW but would never achieve the success that he did under Vince McMahon's watch.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.