10 Best Endings In WWE PPV History

4. The Undertaker Retires Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 26

Very rarely does a Wrestlemania close with a non-title match but Wrestlemania 26 was one of those times due to the stakes involved. Shawn Michaels challenged the Undertaker in a Career vs. Streak match that served to be the swan song of the legendary career of HBK. At Wrestlemania 25, Shawn and the Undertaker had stolen the show with a fantastic five-star match that had the entire wrestling community talking. Shawn begged to have another shot at Taker's streak but the Undertaker was unwilling to have a rematch. Only when Shawn Michaels put his career on the line did the Undertaker agree to have another go-round at Wrestlemania 26. The rematch was almost as good as the first, with Shawn taking a Tombstone on the arena floor and the Undertaker beating up the EMT that attempted to help him. That was followed by both guys trading finisher attempts and a moonsault from Shawn from the top rope to the announce table. Back inside, a number of fantastic near-falls brought the crowd to its feet, especially when Shawn kicked out of a Tombstone in the middle of the ring. Taker went to finish but paused momentarily because he did not want to end HBK's career. Michaels responded by giving the Undertaker's throat cutting gesture and smacking him across the face. The Undertaker decided that Shawn had made his choice and Tombstoned him one last time to end Shawn's illustrious career. It was Shawn's last match (at least for now) and it was yet another classic. Michaels received the send-off he so richly deserved and the Undertaker provided yet another fantastic Wrestlemania moment.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.