10 Best Ever Counters To WWE Wrestling Finishers

9. Benoit Catches Rhyno Off Guard

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs9gZnEHKzY With the recent reintroduction of Rhyno to the main roster, fans should expect to see the ECW Original nail many of the superstars of today with The Gore, Rhyno's take on the oft-used Spear. His combination of speed and raw power makes the move look like his opponent is getting run down by an actual rhinoceros, and that they'd be unlikely to ever recover from such a devastating experience. On this occasion, however, Rhyno would have his speed used against him. In a match against Chris Benoit on Smackdown, the Rabid Wolverine would side-step the Gore, clutching the arm of Rhyno, using the man's own power and velocity to his advantage, to take him down and lock in his own signature (the Crippler Crossface) for the submission victory. It's not the flashiest of counters, nor is it the most athletic reversal on this list, but the intelligence of Benoit and speedy transition between two completely separate moves is what makes it so good.
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Editor/Author of 'Under the Spotlight' for SLTD Wrestling. Games Development Student. @AdamOB_UTS on Twitter.