10 Best Ever Counters To WWE Wrestling Finishers

8. The Show Stopper

https://youtu.be/u_DZ5_HjS-w?t=157 Not long after coming up short against John Cena in a WWE Championship at WrestleMania 23, Shawn Michaels would square off against the Champ one-on-one in a non-title rematch on Monday Night Raw, live from London, England. It was around this time that Cena was truly starting to garner heat for his tremendous, and somewhat ridiculous success. Fans resented him having recently gone over the Shawn Michaels, sure-fire Hall of Famer. It wasn't uncommon to think that Cena's abilities were undeserving of his accomplishments. However, in this extraordinary, almost hour-long contest (something essentially unheard of these days, even though there's an extra hour to work with), Michaels managed to land on his feet from one final attempt at an F-U, to turn around and deliver Sweet Chin Music for the victory. Not only did it prove that HBK still had what it takes to go toe-to-toe with the younger breed of WWE superstars, but it silenced Cena's nay-sayers, at least for the time being, who were convinced that Cena couldn't hang. A fitting finish to arguably one of the greatest matches in the history of Monday Night Raw.
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Editor/Author of 'Under the Spotlight' for SLTD Wrestling. Games Development Student. @AdamOB_UTS on Twitter.