10 Best Ever NXT To WWE Call-Ups
7. The Wyatt Family
The Wyatt Family was, above all, a vehicle for Bray Wyatt (hence the name), but since so many of his early main roster storylines featured Harper and Rowan, it seems wrong not to throw them all together as a single unit for the purposes of this list.
The Eater of Worlds can't have too many problems with that either. His credibility as a top level WWE star, after all, has taken a noticeable nosedive since he boldly split from the last of his bearded brethren early last year.
For a fonder memory of Wyatt, think back to that awesome six-man tag team bout he - along with his two sheep-obsessed accomplices - shared with The Shield at Elimination Chamber 2014. Has any stable versus stable match in the last decade come close to this?
Then you've got all that creepy brainwashing stuff they tried with Daniel Bryan and John Cena around the same time. It may have been comically over the top, but the fans bought into it - thanks in large part to the trio's awesome character work.