10 Best 'Flippy Sh*t' Wrestlers

2. Will Ospreay

Flippy Shit
WCPW / Oli Sandler

At just 23-years-old, Will Ospreay has taken the wrestling world by storm with his incredible high flying arsenal.

For fans of 'flippy sh*t' wrestling, you're unlikely to find a guy who has found more ways to uniquely fly around the ring than Ospreay. When this Brit goes to the top turnbuckle, it's often difficult to know which crazy move he's likely to pull out of the bag; be it a 630, Shooting Star Press, Red Arrow, imploding 450 or something equally nuts. The guy can even pull off a Phoenix Splash from the second rope without batting an eye.

His Best of the Super Juniors match earlier this year against Ricochet had the internet abuzz and it's not hard to see why; the high flying action was like something out of an action movie. Wrestling old-timers may not have been keen but as an example of how far junior heavyweight wrestling has evolved, it was awe inspiring.


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