10 Best 'Flippy Sh*t' Wrestlers

1. Ricochet/Prince Puma

Flippy Shit

Ricochet is undoubtedly the most impressive high flyer competing in wrestling today.

From his work in Lucha Underground as Prince Puma to his appearances in NJPW, ROH, PWG, Chikara, WCPW and more, Ricochet has captured the imaginations of wrestling fans around the world with his unparalleled athleticism and incredible high flying offence.

The innovator of the double rotation moonsault does things inside the ring that we never thought possible and, more than that, he makes it all look effortless. His Shooting Star Press is one of the most fluid in the business, while the ease at which he pulls off unique dives to the outside or how easily he cracks out the 630 senton continues to amaze. When this guy inevitably signs with NXT later this year, the WWE Universe are in for quite the treat watching this guy perform.


Working babyface out of Mid-South in the eighties...