10 Best Hulk Hogan Matches Ever

1. Vs. Andre The Giant (WrestleMania 3)

Hulk Hogan Tearing His Shirt Off

Star ratings don't belong here. Critiquing minute details will not be necessary. The biggest match in WWE history is what packed the Pontiac Silverdome, not the idea that either man was going to channel Ric Flair or Tiger Mask or (insert other workrate deity here). It was Hulk vs. Andre, and their respective legends preceded them.

While it certainly was not a scientific classic by any stretch (and, in fact, it was at times quite clunky), it remains in its own class of grandness. Much of that credit goes to Hogan, who functionally had to bump for two people due to Andre's physical decay. At age 40, Andre was falling apart rapidly, and had to be talked into the match by McMahon in the first place.

It was up to Hogan to sell Andre's slams and clubbing blows, in lieu of having an opponent do the same for him. The imbalance was understandable, but Hogan did a magnificent job of winning a dance contest alongside a severely-limited partner. The match gets a pass because of its larger-than-life status, and Hogan was the duct tape that kept it together.

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Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.