10 Best Image Changes In ECW History

9. Cyrus The Virus

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Another non-wrestling persona ECW worked wonders with was Don Callis. In actual fact, Callis had been a wrestler beforehand, telling Chris Jericho on his Talk Is Jericho podcast that he was supposed to debut a new tag-team with Rick Martel in the WWF of the mid-to-late-1990's.

When that fell through, Callis became The Jackal, a sinister figure who acted as leader of The Truth Commission. Largely a lower card group, the stable didn't make much of an impact on major shows and was soon relegated to matches on syndicated programs like Superstars and Shotgun Saturday Night.

Later, The Jackal would introduce The Oddities as another group before being released by the WWF.

Making his way to ECW, Callis was the perfect fit for a new character. Named Cyrus The Virus, Callis became an announcer who only worked pay-per-view broadcasts. This gave him a special feel, an idea only enhanced by his association with the mysterious 'Network'.

A jab at TNN (who weren't exactly getting behind ECW programming), this incarnation of the Cyrus character created monster heat for Callis.

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