10 Best Lucha Libre Wrestlers In The World Right Now

5. Máscara Dorada (Gran Metalik)

Pentagon Jr Lucha Underground

It's unfortunate that Gran Metalik sits smack bang in the middle of this list; he'd definitely be closer to the top had WWE not badly under-utilised his talents recently. As Máscara Dorada, the man was a regular highlight in CMLL, even working wonders abroad in New Japan Pro Wrestling.

Since WWE signed him up for use in their Cruiserweight Classic tournament and recast him as Metalik though, the masked man hasn't been able to show what he can really do on a regular basis. His semi-final and final bouts of the CWC against Zack Sabre Jr and T.J Perkins were exciting, making it more depressing that he has barely featured on Monday Night Raw since.

Dorada/Metalik is a hidden secret to those wrestling fans who only watch WWE. It's a borderline crime that the company haven't given him more of a platform. If they did, more people would get to see a man who can walk the ropes like few others in the industry today. At times, it's almost like watching someone walk on water.

Please, WWE, give Metalik more minutes on screen and (literally) watch him fly.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.