10 Best Moments Featuring WWE’s Newly Released Stars

8. El Torito's Springboard Senton Through A Table

Damien Sandow Mizdow Miz

At just four feet and five inches, it's incredible that El Torito managed to gain the little in-ring credibility he did considering he was essentially made a mockery of in WWE. Because nothing's funnier than midgets trying to do normal people things, right?

Fitted into a bull outfit and paired with Los Matadores - a Puerto Rican duo of bullfighters, which is dumb enough on its own - El Torito's high flying antics were enough to make him a standout performer despite the poor management.

Completely disregarding how distasteful his feud with fellow little person Hornswoggle was, Torito's springboard senton to put his opponent through a table in their apty-named WeeLC match was extremely impressive. Once you look past the miniature table and the fact they were being made into a joke, that is.

Sadly, El Torito was never given a decent chance in WWE - despite his aerial prowess - clearly due to his size.


Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden