10 Best Moments From Hulk Hogan's 2002 WWE Return

8. Hogan vs. McMahon

Hulk Hogan Vince McMahon

The storyline was simple. Hulk Hogan was a living embodiment of the passion of wrestling fans around the world, claiming that their cheers and their spirit created HulkaMania. Vince McMahon, owner of the WWE, disagreed, claiming that he and he alone created HulkaMania. It was an evil corporation vs. the voices of the fans at WrestleMania 19, when Hogan and McMahon battled it out in a Street Fight.

This match was setup after Hogan’s return in 2003 from a 5-month hiatus from the company. Hulk had fought with virtually everyone that was a big name at the time, so who better as a WrestleMania opponent than the boss himself? Nothing much was left to accomplish in this twilight stint, so including this match on the biggest show of the year was an excellent move.

Furthermore, the match itself was much better than it had any right to be. Sure, it wasn’t a technical classic, but it was a violent spectacle of blood and memorable spots that enthralled those in attendance. WrestleMania 19 is looked at by fans as a “sleeper show” - a great card that doesn’t seem to get the recognition it deserves. Hogan vs. McMahon was a key reason this show enjoys the reputation that it does.

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Hulk Hogan
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Chris is a Canadian now living in Melbourne. He is a connoisseur of fine maple syrups and apologizing. He spent his time preparing to live in Australia by drinking Fosters, only to discover there really is no Fosters over here. There are tons of snakes though. Should have really focused on the snakes instead.