10 Best Moments From Money In The Bank 2014 PPV

1. Rollins Fully Cheats His Way To Victory

WWE.comWWE.comThis result was fantastic booking, pro wrestling 101. Midway through the match, Dean Ambrose injured his shoulder and was forced backstage against his will by the medical staff to a round of boos and jeers. As the match continued and the participants battered one another senseless, Rollins found himself the only one left standing. He climbed the ladder, seemingly within inches of winning, when Ambrose came sprint back down to the ring to a roar of approval, attacking Rollins and stopping him from snatching the title. Ambrose then brutalised Rollins with a chair in much the same way Rollins had to Ambrose when he betrayed him to join the Authority. With Rollins a broken mess on the ground, Ambrose spied the ladder and the briefcase and started his climb to the top. Victory was his. Enter Kane. The Big Red Machine's pyro hit and he came bounding into the ring, pulling Ambrose away from his deserved win, hitting him with both a chokeslam and a tombstone and putting his lights out. He then even held the ladder steady as a stunned Rollins climbed to the top and grabbed the case. The finish reminded me of Orton's cheap cash in against Daniel Bryan at last year's Summerslam, where he had his hand held by the Authority right into a title reign. The super cheap win here generates a ton of heat for both Kane and Rollins, making Rollins easily the most hated man in the company right now. The build has properly begun. Barring a month or two of holding him at bay, the stage is set for Ambrose to take sweet sweet revenge come this year's Summerslam. What did you guys think of this year's Money In The Bank PPV? Have any moments you liked that we missed? Let us know in the comments below

Just a jolly ol' pop culture nerd living just outside London in England. I dabble in a little bit of everything but specialise in wrestling, gaming and comic books.