10 Best Non-Ladder Matches In WWE Money In The Bank History

1. CM Punk vs. John Cena - WWE Title (2011)


No real context is needed for this bout at 2011's Money in the Bank. Everyone knows about the circumstances that lead to this monumental WWE Championship match between John Cena and CM Punk. 

The rowdy Chicago crowd was united behind Punk. Opposite that support was a mountain of vitriol against Cena. Jerry Lawler was right when he said this earlier on commentary...

"John Cena, he's got some broad shoulders... They'll need to get even broader tonight."

As tough as Cena was in the face of the mighty Punk and the deafening crowd, he failed to retain his title when he opposed Mr. McMahon's attempt at a screwjob. 

McMahon had the Money in the Bank briefcase winner Alberto Del Rio attempt a cash-in but he was quickly disposed of thanks to Punk's foot.

This match was an undeniable classic. It's not only the best non-ladder match in Money in the Bank history but it's also one of the defining matches of this era of wrestling.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.