10 Best NXT TakeOver Spotfests

4. Dakota Kai Vs. Tegan Nox (Street Fight) - TakeOver: Portland

war machine war games

Tegan Nox and Dakota Kai were the best of friends, presumably having bonded over the fact that their knees exploded at the same time.

They were part of the same team at TakeOver: War Games III, but then Kai turned on Nox and viciously beat her down, almost costing her team the match in the process. This set up their encounter at TakeOver: Portland and there was only one stipulation befitting of this blood feud - a Street Fight.

The match kicked off with a bang as Kai attacked Nox before the bell. The two brawled across the arena, knocking each other silly all over Portland before finally reaching the ring. Kai took a brutal running knee strike with a trash can over her head in a brilliant opening spot. We also got spots involving chairs, chains, and a cricket bat. Well, Tegan Nox is basically English so why not.

The match is perhaps most notable for interference from Raquel Gonzalez who aligned herself with Kai. She made a big impact when she threw Nox off the top rope and through a table... or at least, that was the plan. The table pulled a Japan on Nox and decided not to break.

Cue James Hetfield...

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.