10 Best NXT TakeOver Spotfests

5. Aleister Black Vs. Adam Cole (No Holds Barred) - TakeOver: Philadelphia

war machine war games

Poor Adam Cole can't catch a break can he? After making his debut at the end of TakeOver: Brooklyn III, Cole had his first TakeOver singles match in The City of Brotherly Love.

His opponent: Aleister Black.

The stipulation: No Holds Barred.

Adam Cole vs the former Tommy End in a No DQ match is enough to turn any PWG fan's saliva glands into Niagara Falls and this bout did not disappoint. The two men beat seven layers of snot out of each other, throwing everything they had at one another both figuratively and literally. Black smashed through a set of a tables after being pushed off the top rope to the outside, Cole got driven through the announce table with a double knee strike, and the painful icing on the grimace-inducing cake came when Black hit Cole with a Fireman's Carry Slam on the top of two chairs.

Just watch the GIF at the top of this article and try not to wince. We dare you.

Black eventually got the win with a Black Mass, setting him down the road to his NXT Championship win later that year.

As for Adam Cole, well he didn't go onto do much, really...

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.