10 Best Performers At WrestleMania 31

2. Sting

It seemed like it would never happen, but Sting finally made his bow at WrestleMania opposite Triple H, and whilst the match won't necessarily go down in history as a timeless classic, it was pretty darn satisfying to see a man so closely associated with WCW finally have the chance to wrestle at the biggest show in the land. Seemingly motivated to show what he could do, even longtime fans saw a spring in Sting's step that hasn't been seen since World Championship Wrestling closed doors in 2001. In fact, maybe this was a Sting people hadn't seen since years before even that, this was one determined veteran. As aforementioned, Triple H deserves a lot of credit for his own performance, but Sting was up against it somewhat here. Fans have been crying out to see him in WWE for so long that it could have all fallen flat fairly quickly, but interest was maintained right up until the finish. Coming out on the losing side doesn't hurt Sting one bit, and people will now be craving that first big win of his WWE career, which is surely a must before he hangs up the boots.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.