10 Best Performers At WrestleMania 31

4. Daniel Bryan

After the Royal Rumble, wrestling fans seemed outraged by the prospect of a WrestleMania main event without the inclusion of Daniel Bryan, which is really a testament to his enduring popularity and ability as an in-ring wizard. WWE would tease his inclusion by booking a tremendous singles match against the Rumble winner, Roman Reigns, at the Fast Lane PPV, but few can be unsatisfied by what they witnessed in the opening bout at 'Mania. Taking part in a multi-man Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title, Bryan was typically excellent, and was realistically the only choice as winner. Had anyone else reached up and pulled down the belt, including the likeable Dolph Ziggler, it would have been a black mark against the show, but this was Bryan's night. Anytime the guy enters the ring, there are fireworks, so it was a smart move to include him in the curtain-jerking bout. Hopefully, Bryan can restore some of the prestige historically associated with the Intercontinental Title, which has been little more than a prop for years in WWE. The only way he can do that, is if the creative team let him do what he did here, excel during lengthy matches.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.