10 Best Promos In AEW History

8. CM Punk Returns To Wrestling

Eddie Kingston Jon Moxley

On Rampage’s second ever episode, CM Punk delivered the finest ever segment of AEW’s second show. Fans had waited a long time for this moment, one they thought might never come. On the one hand, Punk could have farted into the mic and some fans would have hailed him as the second coming of Christ. On the other, before AEW even existed, Punk was held up as the one guy who could return and save wrestling. Those are some high expectations.

In what felt like an emotional reunion, CM Punk rose to the occasion. He delivered everything expected of him and more. “The Voice Of The Voiceless” put over the company, buried the competition and doled out (or at least announced) free ice cream bars.

It would have been easy for Punk just to come out and soak up the applause - at one point, the guy gets an ovation just for sitting down - instead, in a perfectly judged promo, he manages to convince us that he loves the fans as much as they love him. “I didn’t know how this would feel,” he tells us, “but I knew that I needed to feel it.”


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.