10 Best Promos In AEW History

7. Eddie Kingston Talks Himself Into A Job

Eddie Kingston Jon Moxley

Forget Enzo and Big Cass, Eddie Kingston is always the realist guy in the room. He isn’t always the most precise talker but that only adds to the impression that these aren’t pre-prepared lines but thoughts tumbling unfiltered out of his head.

His dedication to authenticity is the only reason this particular promo, cut ahead of a TNT Title open challenge, exists. As he put it in his lauded Player’s Tribune article:

“I remember Cody was so great about everything — and he actually asked me what I wanted for my walk-out music and I told him the truth: I said, “Why would I have music? I don’t work here. I wouldn’t have music. I should just run out and start beating the s**t out of you, like I’m some guy.”

Instead, Cody offered Kingston a mic, so he could come out and verbally eviscerate “The American Nightmare.” It was a promo that changed his life. He proved he could go in the ring that night but it was his words that made the biggest impact. When the match went out on TV, #SIGNEDDIEKINGSTON was trending by the time it was over.


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.