10 Best Simultaneous WWE/WCW Heavyweight Champions
4. The Rock/Hollywood Hogan - 1999

As of writing, the potential of a genuine "war" between WWE and AEW is truly captivating. For those that lived through the WCW/WWE rivalry in the 1990s, it evokes memories of a sh*t hot product full of talent going a thousand miles an hour to do everything in their powers for their employers.
A juggernaut period for the entire industry, pro wrestling was a place for stars that made new ones as it went, getting everybody over and making brand new money hand over fist in the process. Rarely were both companies able to exemplify this as well as when The Rock and Hulk Hogan shared the apex in 1999.
Ardent observers were loathe to praise the treatment of the top title on either side at the time, though history only proved them 50% correct. The game of hot potato between Mick Foley and 'The Great One' gifted The Rock three reigns over four months between Survivor Series 1998 and WrestleMania XV, whilst Hulk Hogan's reclamation of the WCW World Heavyweight Title came as result of the dreaded "Fingerpoke Of Doom".
Big? Huge. Clever? Absolutely f*cking not - Rock and Hogan's comparisons came away here. One began to define his company, the other kickstarted its destruction.