10 Best Stone Cold Steve Austin Insults

4. 'A 15-Pound Nose So Full Of Manure They Can't Keep A Diaper On The Little Bastard.'

Stone Cold Steve Austin Michael Hayes

When most people hear 'Austin versus McMahon,' they usually assume that the McMahon being referred to is Vince, and rightfully so. After all, their rivalry was arguably the Attitude Era's best. That being said, the man who popularized the stunner also did some great work with Stephanie McMahon as well.

During his feud with Stephanie McMahon's husband, Triple H, Austin came in the ring during an episode of RAW and verbally lambasted 'The Billion Dollar Princess.'

The two had an amazing exchange in which Austin claimed that he pitied their (then) unborn child for having them as parents.

The verbal back and forth included the hilarious lines, 'I regret when the day comes around when I drive up the hospital to offer my condolences, roll over and look at that little incubator thing. Look down there and see a 15-pound nose so full of manure they can't keep a diaper on the little bastard.'

Sadly, you don't see many promos like that anymore.


From 1999-2003 Jacques performed on the Florida independent pro wrestling circuit. He also has an amateur wrestling background and currently holds a certification in Krav Maga. Jacques graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2003, with a bachelor's degree in Political Science. He currently resides in Chicago, Illinois. Follow him on twitter @goodeals79.