10 Best Stone Cold Steve Austin WWE Moments

9. Bang!

Stone Cold Steve Austin

“Vince? Vince? Your time is up you sorry b*****d. I’m coming to get you.”

Stone Cold did warn Mr McMahon about firing him...

Having refused to sensibly referee a clash between The Undertaker and Kane for the vacant WWE Title, Austin was let go by the Chairman. He vowed the WWE had not yet seen the last of Stone Cold Steve Austin. Seemingly gearing up for an all out war, an armed and dangerous Austin infiltrated RAW, assaulting and kidnapping his detested former boss.

Austin eventually dragged McMahon down to the ring where he performed one of the more controversial segments in WWE’s history. Drawing a gun, Austin pointed it towards McMahon’s head and pulled the trigger. A flag popped out with the word Bang! on it; Austin had scared McMahon half to death with a prop gun. The fright prompted the chairman to urinate himself on camera.

Austin barked, “McMahon 3:16 says I just p****ed my pants!”

Fans erupted into laughter at McMahon’s expense. Austin had frequently made McMahon the butt of his antics but this took it a new extreme. A perfect example of Austin’s unpredictable, outrageous character and the unpredictability of WWE’s booking at the time.


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.