10 Best Superkicks In WWE History

6. Yokozuna

That being said, before Rikishi became the WWE€™s resident sumo Superstar, we had the even more colossal Yokozuna tearing through the company. His exact weight fluctuated throughout his career. Debuting at 505 pounds, he actually peaked at a whopping 641 pounds four years later. One thing that remained constant though was the precision and effectiveness of his Superkick. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri7-TjVd7og The previously-made points about Rikishi€™s weight distribution apply to Yokozuna as well€”in fact even more so given that he had more weight to distribute. A man with that kind of girth on his abdomen and thighs shouldn€™t be able to kick another man in the jaw, and yet Yokozuna managed to do exactly that on a regular basis. Sure, the technique may not have quite been picture-perfect, but for him to be able to kick all 6 foot of Bret €œthe Hitman€ Hart is an admirable achievement to say the least. As JR so precisely put it, this one was all about the €œphenomenal flexibility€ of one of the WWE€™s biggest ever stars€”literally.

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