10 Best Things About WWE Network After One Year

1. Saving The WWE Universe Money With Cheaper Live Pay-Per-View Events

This is the big one that was the number one selling point of WWE Network when they launched it. It really is by far the best thing about it even when you consider that WWE had a lot of lackluster PPVs in most of 2014 as well as the start of 2015. The fact that you only have to pay $9.99 for a PPV that used to cost $54.99 in HD is a great thing. It's a tremendous saving. Ten dollars per month works out to about 33 cents per day. It's really not much at all. That's a decent lunch or dinner for most people yet you can get three hours of a WWE PPV. It's not bad at all when you think about it that way. They were really smart to make WrestleMania 30 the first PPV on the Network because that was the best PPV of the year as well as the most important one. While it's hard to really know the exact numbers, WWE bragged about how there were over 1 million buys for WrestleMania thanks to those that used traditional methods (since they didn't have WWE Network) and those that were willing to pay $9.99 for it when they otherwise may not have had an interest in previous years. There's a very good chance that this year's WrestleMania will be the most watched ever since more people have the Network now. It appears as though that $9.99 monthly price figure for American users is set in stone. It costs more for fans in the United Kingdom (£9.99), Canadians ($11.99 is less than what the conversion comes to anyway) and others around the world, but it's still much cheaper than what we were all paying before. In order for WWE to grow WWE Network, they need to keep the price where it is and put on better PPVs because if the product is hot then the reluctant consumers will be willing to buy it. That's the number one thing they can do increase viewership and it's also the best part of the Network for those of us that have it. Happy birthday to you WWE Network. Thanks for giving us hours of enjoyment in your first year. Please keep it coming.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.