10 Best Times Wrestlers Kept Kayfabe Outside Of Wrestling

9. 'BROKEN' Matt Hardy - Multiple Interviews

Lana Bobby Lashley candid

With his WWE tenure as the 'WOKEN' version of Matt Hardy falling flat on its *rse and eventually ending in Hardy allowing his contract to expire, it is worth remembering just how brilliant his first iteration of the gimmick genuinely was.

His chaotic and often hilariously insane presentation of the 'BROKEN' character in TNA - from either inside a ring or within the confines of his Hardy compound - helped rejuvenate Hardy and make him one of the biggest talking points in the industry throughout 2016/17.

Yet, what truly helped Hardy stand out in this period was his sheer commitment to the ludicrous character he was playing and his refusal to drop it in the various podcasts (check out his Talk is Jericho episode) and interviews he was a part of.

Hardy was quite clearly having the time of his life referring to Triple H as 'the man with three Hs' and Vince McMahon as 'Meekmahan' and all in his incredibly specific and eccentric accent which came to define the 'BROKEN' character - whilst also wearing that sleeveless trench coat.

Becoming that immersed in such a fantastical character is pretty much unheard of in this day and age. Yet, Hardy absolutely revelled in strutting around town fully 'BROKEN', leading many to question whether the line had been fully blurred between the Matt we once knew and this captivating alter-ego.

In short, it was wonderful.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...