10 Best WCW Monday Nitro Matches Ever

1. WCW World Title: Sting Vs. Diamond Dallas Page (April 26, 1999)

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x20i3n2_wcw-nitro-1999-sting-vs-dallas-page_sport It was pretty rare to have a long WCW World Title match in the middle of an episode of Nitro, but DDP defended the big gold belt against Sting in a match that people still talk about to this day. They were given 20 minutes and busted out all kinds of great moves. Sting even did a piledriver at one point where he landed on his knees and then he did an Undertaker-like Tombstone. Shortly after that, DDP went for a Diamond Cutter. Sting held onto the ropes, then hit the Scorpion Death Drop and covered for the win and the WCW World Title. They were doing things that they didn't normally do, which put over the idea that this was a special match. All of the nearfalls they did certainly helped too. The crowd reaction was pretty incredible as well, so it showed how much fans were craving great matches on Nitro. In typical WCW fashion, Sting's title reign only lasted a few hours. At the end of the night, Sting defended the gold against DDP, Goldberg and Kevin Nash, which ended with DDP regaining the title. The best match in Nitro history was a WCW Title match with Sting beating DDP even though that title reign ended up being short-lived.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.