10 Best WCW Monday Nitro Matches Ever

8. Bret Hart vs. Booker T (February 2, 1999)

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2y7yn_booker-t-vs-bret-hart_sport Bret Hart's WCW run wasn't as bad as some would have you believe. He had several great matches in the company, including a few with Booker T that were done to elevate Booker as a bigger star. To a lot of fans, Booker represented the best of WCW because he worked as a tag team wrestler in Harlem Heat and then became a popular singles wrestler. Hart was in the face role at this point in his career too, so it was all about respect in this match. They went about 18 minutes with Hart in control for most of the match. Hart was a psychology master as he worked over the legs of Booker to try to slow him down, but every time Booker came back with his kicks the crowd was there to support him. It was really cool to watch this match again because the crowd was so hot for everything they did especially in the second half of the match. The Hitman locked on his signature sharpshooter, which Booker broke by getting to the ropes. A short time later, Hart went for a sunset flip, Booker fell forward, held his legs and got the clean win.Hart was shocked that he lost. WCW did a great job of using a veteran to put over a younger wrestler on the rise here.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.