10 Best WCW Video Games

9. WCW Wrestling

Right off the bat, what makes WCW Wrestling on the NES so unique, is that players are invited to not only select which wrestler they'd like to play as (there are 12 in total, including interesting choices such as Eddie Gilbert, Michael Hayes and Kevin Sullivan), but then there's the chance to select which moves you'd like your character to perform. FCI's WCW games might not have been classics, as you'll see from this list, but they do deserve a lot of credit for trying different things, and attempting to keep things interesting for the player. This title actually falls under the banner of the NWA, released in early-1990, and whereas the gameplay comes across as button-mashing badness, at least there's a ring involved (looking at you, WCW Backstage Assault), and the moves do feel weighty and powerful. There are obviously better videogames dedicated to WCW out there, but WCW Wrestling represents the company nicely on NES, and makes the most of the hardware. Sadly, the 'choose your moves' concept was never really explored again, until wrestling games started wheeling out create-a-wrestler modes.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.