10 Best World Title Celebrations In WWE History
3. Ric Flair (Royal Rumble 1992)

A World Title celebration need not be grandiose or sentimental to live long in the memory, and Ric Flair’s 1992 triumph is living proof of that.
Back in the early ‘90s, many fans assumed that the rise of younger superstars like Sting meant that Ric Flair was finally on the downswing. His employers, WCW, reinforced this by effectively pushing him out of the company in 1991, and Flair jumped ship to WWE shortly afterwards.
The World Title had been vacated a few weeks prior, and the company announced that it would be on the line in the 1992 Royal Rumble match. In one of the most critically acclaimed Rumble matches in history, Flair put on one of his all-time greatest performances upon entering at number three. Fighting just about every other wrestler in the match, Flair took big hits, bumps, and flops, and slowly won over the crowd as the match progressed.
With Bobby Heenan practically begging Flair to win on commentary, the ending saw Sid Justice turning on Hulk Hogan, and Flair tossing Sid over the top rope in the confusion. The crowd went wild, and moments later, Flair delivered one of the best promos of his career.
Fiery, passionate, and confident, it was vintage job from one of the best microphone workers in pro-wrestling history. You don’t need tears, confetti, and a huge crowd for a great celebration: sometimes, all it takes is the best wrestler on the planet telling you how it is.