10 Best Wrestlers Under 30 (Who Don't Work For WWE)

3. Magnus

BeFunky_Magnus Age: 27 Sometimes it seems like Magnus has been with TNA since the beginning, but actually, he's only been with the company since 2008, when he had just turned 22. He has come a very long way in a very short amount of time, which has impressed many wrestling fans. At one point, he seemed like another overhyped, under-producing name in TNA, but getting to team with Doug Williams and work with people like Samoa Joe has helped his in-ring work by leaps and bounds. He would go on to become the TNA World Champion, but ratings tanked with him in that position, so the company moved on after a four-month experiment. Even his detractors don't blame him for Impact's ratings being low, as the company's booking was a mess during that stretch, with the feeling that he was made the scapegoat, and that nobody on the roster could have saved them at that point. Even with a mostly forgettable World Title reign, he continues to have an incredibly bright future, not even being 28 yet, and giving him another shot isn't out of the question if he keeps on improving the way he has been. He's a very skilled wrestler with a British style and more of a North American charisma, which is a nice combination to have.
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Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.