10 Best Wrestlers In NJPW (Right Now)

4. Kota Ibushi

Kenny Omega Wins IWGP Heavyweight Championship

Kota Ibushi is an enigmatic figure in pro wrestling. Even with the language barrier, it's harder to get a read on him than other Japanese wrestlers. All we know for certain is that he has some kind of death wish. At least that would explain why almost all his matches are completely batsh*t insane.

With a devil-may-care attitude and a contempt for his neck, the 'Golden Star' puts his body through abject misery for our entertainment. Whether it's performing moonsaults off balconies or repeatedly landing hard on his neck (did I mention he hates that part?), Ibushi never half-*sses his performances, that's for sure. Because of that, he's one of the most respected members of the roster, and many performers have called him a wrestling genius.

It's not hard to argue with that either, because almost every Ibushi match feels special, even when it's just a regular singles encounter with someone he has no storyline with. He's able to get the best out of people, and because of that, some people have had their best matches with him.

Due to his freelancer status, it's uncertain if he'll ever win the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, but if he does, it would definitely be well-deserved.

In this post: 
Kenny Omega
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A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.