10 Best Wrestling Matches Of The Week (August 1)

9. Blake & Murphy vs. The Vaudevillians (NXT)


The Vaudevillians are the number one contenders to Blake & Murphy's NXT Tag Team Championships and they received their shot at the titles on NXT this week. Of course, Alexa Bliss accompanied the champs to ring.

While this bout did feel a little short, The Vaudevillians proved that they can get the crowd fired up behind them. English & Gotch were on fire and looked like they were about to pull out the win. While attempting their finisher, The Whirling Dervish, Alexa Bliss grabbed English's leg when he shot off the ropes.

Bliss' distractions caused The Vaudevillians to not hit their finisher in the match. Even worse, Aiden English lost the match for his team when he succumbed to the alarmingly effective surprise rollup.

Post match, The Vaudevillians cleaned house as they attacked and dumped the cheater champs out of the ring. When confronted with Alexa Bliss they showed their true nature and offered to hold the ropes so she could exit the ring unharmed. THAT'S how you treat a lady.

Bliss refused the chivalry. She slapped both men across the face and called them pathetic. I assume that a rematch will happen at the TakeOver event in Brooklyn, but I guess I have to wait and see. I'm rooting for Gotch & English capture the gold.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.