10 Best Wrestling Matches Of The Week (August 1)

7. Bobby Fish vs. ACH (ROH)

Hernandez Drago Ultima Lucha
Sinclair Broadcast Group

Before ROH floods this countdown with matches from their Death Before Dishonor event, their weekly Destination America show provided for a fun main event that was the seventh best match of this week. 

Bobby Fish of reDRagon took on ACH for reasons unknown to me. I'm more of a novice to ROH's current product than to the other promotions covered in this article, so maybe there's some story to this.

ACH is incredibly athletic and landed some heavy kicks to Fish from the apron. He's also flashy when he dives to the outside, so that's fun too. 

Bobby Fish scored the win via a top rope Falcon Arrow. There might not have been a big story for why these guys were fighting (or there was and I didn't catch it) but this bout didn't really need it. Two athletic guys who can go in the ring works for me.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.