10 Best Wrestling Matches Of The Week (July 11)

1. John Cena vs. Cesaro (Raw)

cesaro john cena raw

In the short history of this article series, this is the first time the same matchup has topped this list two weeks in a row. Just like in the week prior, John Cena and Cesaro put on a performance on Raw that will be sure to be one of the finest matches of 2015.

The athleticism in this bout was off the charts. Cesaro performed a beautiful springboard twisting European uppercut on one occasion. He displayed his brute strength as well, like when he powered out of an STF, cradled Cena, then deadlifted him into a suplex.

The nearfalls and submission attempts were oozing with excitement. The already hot Chicago crowd exploded onto their feet on multiple occasions that they thought the match was over.

This week was better than the previous Cena vs. Cesaro bout for a couple of reasons. The near-30 minute match time was one reason. The previously mentioned Chicago crowd was another.

Probably the biggest upgrade from the week before was the decisive finish. John Cena needed to execute his AA off of the second turnbuckle to finally put the Swiss Superman away. Kevin Owens did come out to scuffle with Cena again, but not until the match was over. 


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.