10 Best Wrestling Matches Of The Week (July 11)

5. Mil Muertes vs. Son Of Havoc (Lucha Underground)


Mil Muertes and Son of Havoc have surprisingly similar ring gear. They both use the black mask with black pants and are similar skin tones. Mil's superior size is the only real physical disparity between the two.

Catrina told Ivelisse and Havoc that her Disciples of Death will be going after the trios titles earlier in the night, and they'd all add to the drama of this match.

Havoc had some good spurts of offense in this challenge against the number one contender to Prince Puma's Championship. He was able to land a double stomp and a standing moonsault on his larger foe, but only could get a one count on the following pin.

Catrina tried to use her evil lust against Angelico to set up some interesting out of the ring distractions. Havoc tried to help out after the Disciples of Death got involved, which only set up his demise. Muertes then defeated him thanks to a flatliner and a spear. 


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.