10 Best Wrestling Matches Of The Week (July 11)

4. Atomicos Tag Match (Lucha Underground)


This four on four tag team match is exactly the type of action you'd hope to see in Lucha Underground. Alberto El Patron lead his team of Aerostar, Drago, and Sexy Star against Johnny Mundo's team of Jack Evans, Hernandez, and Super Fly.

It felt like everyone was allowed their chance to stand out in this nearly ten minute bout. There was a series of dives to the outside that had Sexy Star performing a corkscrew plancha.

Patron had the cross ambreaker on Evans at the end of the match, but Mundo broke it up before there was a tap out. Mundo then moved onto Sexy Star, who took the pinfall due to her opponent having a handful of her tights.

Patron and Mundo are announced to do battle against each other at Ultima Lucha and this was a fun step to add to their journey to that season finale match.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.