10 Best Wrestling Matches Of The Week (June 20)

The very best of WWE & NXT, TNA, ROH, and Lucha Underground.

Puma Johnny Mundo Lucha
Lucha Underground

Right now is a great time to be a wrestling fan. While it's been years since WWE has faced any real competition for their top spot as the United State's (and the world's) biggest promotion, many new companies have recently emerged that are content to put out a quality product on their own terms.

Outside of Vince McMahon's programming, Ring of Honor, Lucha Underground, and TNA all have national deals on cable television. Because of their weekly shows (along with NXT), Wednesday night alone has become a powerhouse night of pro-wrestling.

With this current plethora of content that's finding its way onto our screens, this article will attempt to offer a weekly countdown of the best matches of the previous seven days. The weekly shows that will be considered routinely will be the ones that have at least a somewhat major presence in the United States.

Raw, Smackdown, NXT, Lucha Underground, TNA Impact, and Ring of Honor will be the shows pooled for matches. Pay-Per-Views and bonus shows from each promotion will also be considered as they come up. There's an obvious WWE dominance in this first edition of this article thanks to Money in the Bank.

Smackdown will mark the end of the seven day period of this article, so expect any good matches from Ring of Honor's Best in the World to be covered in next week's article.

The following are the 10 best professional wrestling matches of the past week...

10. Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro (Smackdown)

Puma Johnny Mundo Lucha

The spot for the 10th best match of the past week came down to two matches, both from Smackdown. The main event tag contest that pitted Kane & Sheamus against Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns might've gotten the nod if it hadn't been for the awkward Bray Wyatt ending.

There's just something about closing a show with Roman Reigns holding that one picture of he and his daughter in the middle of the ring that kind of ruins the vibe.

But as for Kevin Owens and Cesaro, it was good to see Cesaro opposite Kevin Owens and since he's a temporary singles wrestler until Kidd gets healthy. It's great use of him.

This wasn't the dream match that the IWC hoped it could be but it was still worth checking out if you missed it. Owens won via Popup Powerbomb in a match that could easily have been booked as a one-sided beatdown, but thankfully wasn't.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.