10 Best Wrestling Matches Of The Week (June 20)

9. Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus (Raw)

Puma Johnny Mundo Lucha

A day after Dean Ambrose's big ladder match against Seth Rollins at Money in the Bank he was still itching for a fight. He brought it to the WWE World Heavyweight Champion at the start of the most recent Raw but Rollins wasn't having any of it and fled while Dean simply waited in the middle of the ring.

Rollins not would return. Instead, MITB briefcase winner Sheamus came out looking to fight instead. The two engaged in a solid opener to Raw that saw Ambrose continue to suffer from his leg injuries of the previous night.

Sheamus and Ambrose had good chemistry and the only really gripe about this bout was the ending. Sheamus attempted to exit the match prematurely but was prevented of doing so when Randy Orton came out to remind us all of the sobering fact the he and Sheamus are feuding.

Sheamus tried to resume competition but failed with a Brogue Kick attempt. Dean then rolled him up for the win. The ending wasn't great but everything was solid up to that point.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.