10 Best Wrestling No-Sells Ever

7. Goldberg Shakes It Off

Hawk Piledriver no sell

Bill Goldberg didn't have a singular no-sell, really. Instead, think of it in the sense that opponents couldn't ever truly stop the man, they could only hope to delay the inevitable.

The truth is, everyone knew it was a matter of time before Goldberg was wrecking whoever he was in the ring with, decimating them with a Spear and a Jackhammer; it was only a question of when.

Goldberg had plenty of moments where he would simply absorb the best shots of his opponents and feel nothing. But in particular, an almost subtle piece of the complete package was when he was forced to sell.

Rather than lay around broken and defeated, Goldberg was constantly rolling onto one side, trying to get up, and, most importantly, would quickly, intensely, shake his head, trying to clear the proverbial cobwebs.

Combining all these aspects gave him a feeling of perpetual momentum. Goldberg was never down and out. Even when he was on the receiving end, Goldberg was always moving forward, constantly in a state of coming back. It's part of what made him so believable as an ass-kicker. The man himself only ever needed a split-second opening to crush his opponent, and the way he moved in the ring made not only the audience aware of it, but whomever he was wrestling.


A former Army vet who kept his sanity running D&D games for his Soldiers. I'll have a bit of D&D, pro wrestling, narrative-driven video games, and 80's horror movies, please and thank you.