10 Best Wrestling No-Sells Ever

4. Ibushi the Terminator

Hawk Piledriver no sell

Kota Ibushi is one of the strangest, most captivating wrestlers in the world. Like his fellow Golden Lover Kenny Omega, Ibushi isn't one to avoid silliness. Go seek out his thrilling matches with the incomparable Yoshihiko for proof of that. And while he can be a lovable handsome goofball, you do not want to get on his bad side.

Ibushi, one of the best high-fliers in the world, also has a series of scintillating strikes to supplement this technique, having training in boxing and karate. As such, many wrestlers seem to think that the best idea to take Ibushi down is to get into a slugfest with him, as his best assets lie in his aerial arsenal. That, however, would be a mistake.

Whereas most wrestlers get fired up, angry, and rage when they go on a rampage, Ibushi goes the opposite path. His eyes glaze over, and he suddenly seems to stop caring. Lovingly dubbed "Murder Ibushi," he then picks apart his opponent with brutal strikes while looking utterly disinterested. It's terrifying.

For an amazing example, check out Wrestle Kingdom 14 against Kazuchika Okada. Both are babyfaces, but the dispassionate style in which Ibushi begins picking apart Okada causes the fans to turn on him. Not from hatred, but fear. The crowd literally grows scared of what Ibushi has allowed himself to become.


A former Army vet who kept his sanity running D&D games for his Soldiers. I'll have a bit of D&D, pro wrestling, narrative-driven video games, and 80's horror movies, please and thank you.