10 Best Wrestling No-Sells Ever

5. Shawn Michaels Kip-Up

Hawk Piledriver no sell

Shawn Michaels is, if nothing, an innovator. For someone who has, many times over revolutionized the sport within the confines of WWE, it is only appropriate that his style plays a bit different than others.

Most others on this list begin taking blows and then just hit a switch, turning the pain off as the crowd rallies behind their sudden surge of adrenaline. Shawn Michaels, however, is different than most of these men. Smaller, more agile, and typically cast in an underdog role, it honestly wouldn't make sense for him to suddenly start absorbing blows with no effect.

Instead, Michaels ducks under an attack at lightning-fast speed, rebounds off the ropes, and soars through the air, connecting with a desperation forearm to the head. WIth both opponents down, the referee might think to administer a 10-count. Not so, says the 'Heartbreak Kid,' who instead, swings his whole body up, landing on his feet from a prone position.

Just like that, the whole dynamic changes. Michaels is back up and energized, his opponent is still staggering from that last strike, and the crowd is going mental. Michaels has become a legend for making these comebacks surprising, believable, and, more often than not, a route to victory, courtesy of some Sweet Chin Music.


A former Army vet who kept his sanity running D&D games for his Soldiers. I'll have a bit of D&D, pro wrestling, narrative-driven video games, and 80's horror movies, please and thank you.