10 Best Wrestling Podcasts You Must Listen

3. The Jim Cornette Experience

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Podcast One

What do you get when you give one of wrestling greatest managers and talkers a live, uncensored forum to say whatever he wants about whoever he wants?

One of the best podcasts available today.

The Jim Cornette Experience features everyone's favourite tennis racket-wielding heel talking a mile a minute about the most popular topics in wrestling. His foul-mouthed, no holds barred style is refreshing, hilarious, and entertaining.

He also hates today's wrestling product which provides for some of the show's best moments, except for his epic rants on Vince Russo.

Cornette has never been afraid to burn every single bridge, urinate on the ashes, and whistle happily while he does it. He gives his uncensored thoughts on the WWF Attitude Era, Vince McMahon, Triple H, Ring of Honor, and his hatred of everything related to the Republican party.

Cornette's weekly show regularly features guests from throughout the wrestling world but none are more outrageous than his longtime friend Kenny "Starmaker" Bolin, former OVW manager and scam artist extraordinaire.

Bolin is essentially a walking cartoon character and regularly accuses Cornette of conspiring against him and freaking out over the slightest perceived insult from Jim.

You may not always agree with Cornette, but he's going to make damn sure that you hear him.

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Ric Flair
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Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.