10 Best Wrestling Podcasts You Must Listen

2. The Steve Austin Show

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When you have the biggest star in wrestling history with a microphone in front of him, expectations can be extremely high. Thankfully for us, Steve Austin meets and exceeds all of those expectations.

If you enjoyed Austin's interview with Vince McMahon on the WWE Network, that's only a sample of how in-depth and insightful Austin can be with a guest. He's certainly not afraid to ask the tough questions because, come on, he's Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Recently, Austin watched the Mankind vs. Rock match from Raw where Mick won the WWF world title and broke down the match move-by-move. It was a fascinating lesson in wrestling psychology from a true student of the business and truly made listeners see the match in a completely different light.

Even the way Rock and Mankind were positioned in the ring was crucial to the development of the match and Austin expertly pointed all of those things out.

Austin has two shows released weekly: His normal Steve Austin Show and the Unleashed version, which features all of the attitude and curse words that you love about Stone Cold.

Austin has a no-BS approach to the wrestling business that fans will find endlessly entertaining. If you ever need a lesson on ring psychology or just want to laugh at Kevin Nash stories, then Steve Austin is your guy.

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Ric Flair
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Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.