10 Best Wrestling PPV Matches (That Actually Were On Free TV)

9. Charlotte Vs. Sasha Banks (Raw, 2016)

Goldberg Vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan

We usually associate pay-per-views with first-time encounters, and granted, Charlotte and Sasha Banks were not exactly strangers, having fought - and traded the title - countless times during 2016.

This match however - by which we mean the Falls Count Anywhere bout they shared on Raw a couple of weeks ago - had everything you could ask of a match in a PPV main event spot.

The rivalry was personal and intense; the result of months of build-up between two competitors at the very top of their game. It had a suitable gimmick given the nature of their feud, and the resultant set-pieces - Charlotte's moonsault from the announce table being the pick of them - were the sort of thing we normally only see after parting with our cash.
