10 Best Wrestling PPV Matches (That Actually Were On Free TV)

8. TLC III (SmackDown, 2001)

TLC matches are proof that the sequel doesn't always have to suck. In case you missed it, this one featured the same line up as the famous match two months earlier at WrestleMania X-Seven, plus the team of reigning tag champs Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit.

There's a tendency for WWE to wrap their stars up in cotton wool when it comes to free TV, saving the high-flying, injury-risking stunts for when it really matters. That policy went out the window on this May 2001 edition of SmackDown though.

It was essentially eight guys, six of them well-practised in the art of TLC mayhem, beating the hell out of each other with little to no regard for their careers. You could have had few complaints if this had headlined WrestleMania, let alone a second tier PPV.
