10 Best Wrestling Tag Teams Of 2023

4. The Young Bucks

Kevin Owens Sami Zayn best tag teams

Anyone who reads the weekly Rampage 'Ups & Downs' articles knows the chap writing this isn't a Young Bucks mega-fan. However, only a fool would objectively look at what Matt and Nick Jackson do and claim they're not ringleaders for today's favoured non-stop style of tag wrestling.

In many ways, The Bucks took cues from teams like The Hardys and dialled it up a notch. Their matches are fast, and they like it that way. Sure, it leads to chaos and AEW refs looking like idiots with zero authority, but there's a ton of fun to be had when Matt and Nick are whizzing around performing spot after spot.

2023 was another slice of wizardry from the brothers.

They can be considered gatekeepers for tag wrestling in All Elite, and that'll likely be the case over the next 2-3 years before they start visibly slowing down. Surely they can't work at this breakneck pace forever! Watch them prove that statement wrong.

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Sami Zayn
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.