10 Best Wrestling Tag Teams Of 2023

5. The Gunns

Kevin Owens Sami Zayn best tag teams

Joining Bullet Club Gold has given Austin and Colten Gunn a real leg up in the biz. Billy's boys have one of the best entrance routines in wrestling, and they're starting to piece things together. Prior claims they were hired due to nepotism have been firmly put to bed in 2023.

Austin is a walking charisma machine, and both he and Colten know how to fly around like Curt Hennig in his prime for opponents. Seriously, watch some of their matches to see both bump and feed better than most in the industry today - not just amongst fellow tag teams, but wrestling as a whole.

That's high praise.

A brief AEW Tag Title reign between February-April is just the start for these lads. They've grown in confidence alongside Jay White and Juice Robinson, and there's way more to come. Do not be shocked if WWE expresses interest at some stage over the next few years.

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Sami Zayn
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.