Why this #10: While it would be hard to top the initial televised KOTR in 1993, the WWE did a solid follow-up for their second pay-per-view tournament. Fans were now aware that the winner of the tournament would be a superstar who would get a tremendous push and the bar had been set high the year before with mega-popular Bret Hart becoming the first tournament winner. This bracket featured great star power for its day with Razor Ramon, Bam Bam Bigelow, Owen Hart, Tatanka and others competing for the kings crown. Best Match: 1-2-3 Kid vs. Owen Hart. A short, exciting, fast paced match between two smaller superstars that was given real importance and shown on a big stage. This match was a true sign that the WWE was moving into a different era with their New Generation motto and focusing on more agile, quicker superstars and better quality matches. The outcome was never really in doubt as Hart seemed destined to make it to the finals against Razor Ramon but it was sure fun to watch The Kid try and score the upset. Winner and Aftermath: This event was the Owen Hart show and essentially served as the coming out party for him to be a legitimate contender for his brothers world title. Most people forget that this event really jumpstarted Owen Harts WWE career (in combination with the Wrestlemania X win over his brother) because before this show his career consisted of forgettable tag teams and jobbing to other stars as the Blue Blazer. After this event, everyone knew that Owen Hart had arrived and could compete against any man in the company. Hart would go on to battle his brother over the summer for the WWE title in a long, memorable feud.